The Co-op to Condo Conversion Specialists
Date: Wednesday, April 6, 2016 Time: 4:30 PM AND 7:00 PM
(Please plan to attend only one of the sessions and NOT both)
Thursday, April 7, 2016 : 5:30 – 10:30 PM
Friday, April 8, 2016 : 4:00 – 10:30 PM
Your Board of Directors has engaged our firm, The HUTTON Group, for the purpose of managing the possible conversion of Amar Plaza to a condominium form of ownership. We have developed a specialty in highly successful and affordable condominium conversions of cooperatives and similar communities nationwide, including many in California.
We have arranged a Conversion Information Meeting for all Members, to be held on site in the Basketball Court on Wednesday, April 6th at 4:30 PM and again at 7:00 PM. At this meetings, we will present information on the multiple benefits of converting, including higher market values, superior financing alternatives and easier sales. Members will receive detailed information regarding the potential conversion, with calculations and analysis of the effects of the conversion.
We have also arranged for individual One-on-One Sessions between HUTTON and each member, in order to answer questions and address unique circumstances in a confidential and private setting. These individual sessions are scheduled for 15 minutes and will start immediately after the Information Meeting. Hutton strongly recommends that every member attend a One-on-One Session.
Click a date and time slot for your One-on-One meeting. A form will appear below. Fill in the form and click submit to reserve your appointment
You will immediately receive an email confirming your booking. All meetings will be held on site in the patio area.
[app_monthly_schedule service=”9″ date=”2016-04-01″ long=”1″ title=”” logged=”April 2016″]
[app_confirmation note=”Optional note:” field_unitnumber=”Unit Number:”]